Two Hours From Tucson

Jackdaw ramblings from an old Virginia boy turned desert rat living in the wilds of Chandler, Arizona.

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Location: Chandler, Arizona, United States

As I cast my fishing line into the neighbor's yard, I'm reminded of my sixth grade math teacher's observation - He's just as happy as if he had good sense.

Terror Alert Level

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Geeking at the Hobby Lobby (International)

A friend of mine, who shall remain nameless - Paula, Queen of the Vanpool, Thank you very much - is an arts and crafts artiste extraordinaire who appreciates a fine A & C store when she sees one. She holds one store in such high regard, it warrants a road trip with several girlfriends to another state. While some people may (and SHOULD!) question the mental stability of a person making this trip, I remind you that I've driven two hundred miles across the desert to catch AND *release* fish. Point well taken there, Mike. OK, then.

The name of this revered store is... Hobby Lobby. (Echo. Echo. Echo. Echo.)

I can appreciate the importance of a good A & C store. I've created pigeon barriers for my house using flower-arranging wire from Michael's. That and some manly (Manly, I Tell You!) wood moulding (Nay! Timber weighing thousands of pounds!) from Home Depot.

I tried to find something of interest at the Hobby Lobby website, but I still had some leftover pigeon-preventing wire from Michael's. Yet, way up in the right hand corner of their homepage, I found a link to Nirvana - which is in Ohio now. It is called Hobby Lobby International (No echoes this time. Nothing left in the budget.)

Hobby Lobby International is an alpha male site of geek proportions! Please join me and my band of fellow howler monkeys in screaming praise for this site. Refreshing, isn't it?

Their main toys are remote-controlled planes, gliders, helicopters and boats. Yes, that does warrant another hooting. On three. Yeah! Good hoot, everybody.

For those of us with vid needs, here's the joy:
electric planes/Ducted Fan and Jet Models
more airplanes/gliders/sailplanes/copters/boats

I'll be ordering their rubber band-powered planes. One is made for the open field and the other is a small ultra-light called the Firefly. It's pure slurp-and-burp, drool-inducing, geek-tweaked mind candy. "Firefly will circle in a 10 by 10 foot room for 45 seconds".

Now all I have to do is find a pet monkey. Then, we'll both be entertained.



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